Chronicalling the life of a depressed stay-at-home mom is depressing.
Yesterday was a typical day for the most part. Planning my mom's retirement party/open house has been an overwhelming yet fulfilling task for me. I feel as though for at least a little while, I have a reason for living. Oh, yes, there are my children. But there are days...most days...that I feel as though I am just existing to be a mom and have no other purpose in life. I am not helping bring money into the household. I am not teaching my kids what I would like they to be taught. And all I get from K is full-on backtalking now. Ugh.
Yesterday was my aunt and uncle's anniversary. They were married for 3 short years before he passed away unexpectedly from an anneurism while they were on vacation. I called her yesterday to talk about Mom's open house and what day it was had slipped my mind. She told me how thoughtful I was to think of her and all I could think was what a snot I was for not remembering in the first place. It was just coincidence that I called her. Someday I will write all these things down and remember the stuff that I always seem to forget.
K is on one. For the last week he has backtalked me and told me no to everything. I am going insane! I know that he is almost 3 and this is typical, but I am going to freak out.
Today it is pretty out. I am hoping to get out of my funk enough to take the kids somewhere. Anywhere. I made a commitment to take them out a lot and it hasn't happened so much because of the weather. Excuses, excuses...right?